Why Chiropractors Have Such Healthy Kids: Lessons from the Freedom for Family Wellness Summit
By Jackie Lombardo
Originally Posted on SafeMinds 12-4-2014
Whether you go to them regularly or have never visited one in your life and are
not really sure what they do, there is something you need to know: If the
conference I just attended is any indication, it seems there are much lower
rates of autism among children of chiropractors than in the public at large.
what are they doing right?
cousin Marc is an outstanding
and I both come from big Catholic families. I am one of six children, four
girls and two boys, and Marc is one of five brothers (his poor umm –
lucky parents, right?).
of my sisters and I attended the Freedom
for Family Wellness Summit in Reston, Virginia held two weeks ago. The
Summit is sponsored by the International
Pediatric Chiropractic Association
(ICPA) and is geared towards chiropractors and their families. You can earn
continuing education credits for chiropractic if you attend.
I went to the conference as a mom. Which brings me back to Cousin Marc.
has two sons, both strapping young men now. Marc’s brothers have children too,
born in the 1970s and early 1980s. Maybe because Marc spent so much time
studying alternative medicine, his siblings did things differently than some of
my siblings and I did. They chose not to vaccinate, they ate warm breakfasts
instead of sugar-laden conventional cereal advertised on TV, they avoided
pesticides and harmful cleaning products, they took their kids to the
chiropractor for monthly adjustments.
I saw an announcement for the Freedom for Family Wellness Summit in Pathways to Family Wellness, a
magazine that has reprinted an
article written by SafeMinds, I jumped on the opportunity to learn more of
the secrets chiropractors like my cousin Marc have known all along.
Organizer Jeanne Ohm and Ina May Gaskin (Photo courtesy of
Jennifer Margulis)
Freedom for Family Wellness Presenters
✓ Midwife, author, and Right Livelihood Award Winner (which is like
an alternative Nobel Prize) Ina May Gaskin.
✓ Journalist and award-winning author Jennifer Margulis, Ph.D.,
whose book, The Business
of Baby, changed my niece’s life.
✓ Nephrologist and vaccine critic Suzanne Humphries, M.D.
✓ National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC)
co-founder and president Barbara Loe Fisher, whom I’ve admired for years.
✓ Psychiatrist Kelly Brogan, M.D., whose
on-line articles about mental health and physical wellness have really made me
✓ Consumer activist Jeffrey
M. Smith.
Vaccines May be Causing Kidney Damage
Humphries, M.D. explained that though she was a successful medical doctor,
she realized her kidney patients were not getting better and in many cases were
actually getting worse. It took years to connect the dots, but she finally
figured out that the adults in her care showed health declines after they got the
flu shot. When Humphries tried to tell her colleagues that vaccination was
having a pronounced ill effect on kidney function, they ignored and dismissed
her concerns.
is very wrong when doctors are threatening to throw patients out of their
practice for refusing a consumer product.” Interesting. I’m looking forward to
reading her
latest: Dissolving Illusions: Disease, Vaccines, and The
Forgotten History.
Costliest Maternity Care in the World
Yields Among the Worst Outcomes
Photo courtesy of Jennifer Margulis
Jennifer Margulis, Ph.D., gave a
powerful talk about medical doctors who dismiss patients for not following
their rules, telling the story of a young mom named Donna
Sills who was actually dismissed from two hospitals in North Carolina while
in active labor because she wanted a vaginal birth and refused to sign the
hospitals’ consent for surgery forms.
from a hospital while actively giving birth.
she would not do what she was told.
explained that the United States spends more money than any country in the
world on health care, and that our maternity care system is among the costliest
in the world, spending
over $50 billion a year on women and infants.
the enormous
amount of money we put into our health care system, we have some of the worst
maternal and fetal outcomes of the developed world. We over-test,
over-stress, and over-prescribe to our expectant moms.
Sills was sent by ambulance to a third hospital, over the border in Norfolk,
Virginia, where she gave birth to a healthy baby boy. Vaginally. Turns out
Donna was right—she never needed that C-section the other doctors insisted she
have after all.
What You Eat Affects Your Mental Health
Kelly Brogan, M.D., was 16 she refused to be confirmed because she had deep
reservations about Catholicism. But then, though she didn’t realize it at the
time, she adopted a new religion: medicine.
a critical thinker, she started to question what she was taught in medical
school. She read the scientific literature herself, not only the textbook’s
interpretation of it. She realized that pharmaceutical drugs were not always
appropriate and that some mental illness could be treated with simple dietary
and lifestyle changes.
example, she described being “hangry.” Hangry: a cross between hungry and angry
when blood sugar drops. Anger… caused by a lack of food! I smiled as I thought
back to when my son was young and most definitely hangry. So much so that I’d
meet him at the bus stop with a chicken leg to avoid a blow-up. Food is
a separate workshop, Brogan spoke about creating a healthy microbiome in our
bodies. Ninety
percent of the cells in our body are bacterial, not human. Brogan says it
is essential for human health to foster beneficial
bacteria through vaginal birth, breastfeeding, and eating fermented and
other probiotic foods.
5 Family Wellness Lessons
courtesy of Jennifer Margulis
humans we have optimal health results when we …
- Live more simply.
- Understand that food is medicine.
- Eliminate or reduce our exposure to harmful chemicals and environmental toxins, including GMOs, food dyes, and the toxic additives in over-the-counter and prescription medication, including vaccines.
- Realize the importance of the mind-body connection.
presenter asked a room full of about 1,000 people if anyone in the audience had
a child with autism. Only one mom raised her hand. Given the CDC’s current statistics that
1 in every 68 children has autism, there should have been at
least 14 parents with raised hands.
audience was careful. And thoughtful. And full of critical thinkers.
my children were young, I handed over the decision making to their
well-intended doctors.
doctors who were doing what they were told.
did what I was told.
children will start families of their own someday. I hope they can find doctors
who are careful.
who don’t necessarily ‘do what they’re told’ but instead, who read the science
and think for themselves.
it comes to your family’s health, ask questions. Think critically. Then ask
more questions and decide for yourself. SafeMinds is committed to
providing you the information you need to make these decisions. Consider
supporting our work here.
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